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English Shorthand Dictation Passages Pdf 50

How to Improve Your English Shorthand Skills with 50 PDF Dictation Passages

English shorthand is a system of writing that uses symbols and abbreviations to record speech at a fast speed. It is useful for transcribing speeches, lectures, interviews, meetings, and other oral communications. Shorthand can also help you improve your listening, writing, and memory skills.

english shorthand dictation passages pdf 50

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One of the best ways to learn and practice shorthand is by using dictation passages. Dictation passages are texts that are read aloud at a certain speed and you have to write them down in shorthand as accurately as possible. Dictation passages can help you improve your shorthand speed, accuracy, vocabulary, grammar, and punctuation.

In this article, we will provide you with 50 PDF dictation passages that you can use to practice your English shorthand skills. These passages cover various topics and levels of difficulty. You can download them for free and use them on your own or with a teacher or a partner.

Why Use PDF Dictation Passages?

PDF dictation passages have several advantages over other formats. Here are some of them:

  • They are easy to access and store. You can download them on your computer or mobile device and access them anytime and anywhere.

  • They are printable. You can print them out and write on them with a pen or pencil.

  • They are editable. You can modify them according to your needs and preferences. You can change the font size, color, style, or layout. You can also add notes, comments, or corrections.

  • They are shareable. You can share them with your teacher or partner via email or social media. You can also upload them to online platforms or websites for feedback or evaluation.

How to Use PDF Dictation Passages?

Here are some tips on how to use PDF dictation passages effectively:

  • Choose a passage that matches your level and interest. You can start with easy passages and gradually move on to more challenging ones. You can also choose passages that relate to your field of study or work.

  • Read the passage before listening to it. This will help you familiarize yourself with the content, vocabulary, and structure of the passage. You can also look up any unfamiliar words or phrases.

  • Listen to the passage at a comfortable speed. You can use an online tool or an app to adjust the speed of the audio. You can also pause or repeat the audio as needed.

  • Write down the passage in shorthand as you listen to it. Try to write as fast and as accurately as possible. Don't worry about spelling or grammar mistakes at this stage.

  • Compare your shorthand with the original passage. Check for any errors or omissions in your shorthand. Correct any mistakes and mark any areas that need improvement.

  • Review your shorthand regularly. Reviewing your shorthand will help you reinforce what you have learned and identify your strengths and weaknesses. You can also practice reading your shorthand aloud or transcribing it into longhand.

Where to Find PDF Dictation Passages?

There are many online sources where you can find PDF dictation passages for English shorthand practice. Here are some of them:

  • 133 Dictation English ESL worksheets pdf & doc - iSL Collective: This website offers a collection of dictation worksheets for English learners of different levels and topics. You can download them for free and use them for self-study or classroom activities.

  • 15+ Shorthand Books for Free! [PDF] - This website provides a selection of free shorthand books in PDF format that you can download and read online. Some of these books include dictation passages for shorthand practice.

  • Kailash Chandra Shorthand PDF Book Free Download - STUDYBABA: This website offers a free download of Kailash Chandra shorthand magazine, which contains various articles and dictation passages for shorthand practice.

How to Improve Your Shorthand Speed and Accuracy?

Practicing with PDF dictation passages is a great way to improve your shorthand skills, but it is not enough. You also need to follow some tips and strategies to boost your shorthand speed and accuracy. Here are some of them:

  • Review the shorthand rules and principles regularly. You need to have a solid foundation of the shorthand system and its rules and principles. Review them often and make sure you understand them well.

  • Learn the common words and phrases in shorthand. There are some words and phrases that are frequently used in speech and writing. You need to learn their shorthand forms and use them whenever possible. This will save you time and strokes.

  • Use abbreviations and shortcuts. Shorthand has many abbreviations and shortcuts that can help you write faster and easier. For example, you can use a dot for "and", a dash for "the", or a circle for "of". You can also use prefixes and suffixes to write longer words.

  • Write legibly and neatly. You need to write your shorthand clearly and neatly so that you can read it back without any difficulty. Avoid making mistakes or crossing out words. Use a pen or pencil that writes smoothly and comfortably.

  • Read back your shorthand regularly. Reading back your shorthand will help you check your accuracy and correct any errors. It will also help you improve your reading speed and comprehension.

  • Transcribe your shorthand into longhand. Transcribing your shorthand into longhand will help you reinforce what you have written and check your spelling and grammar. It will also help you improve your typing speed and accuracy.

  • Practice with different types of materials and sources. You need to expose yourself to different types of materials and sources that you may encounter in real situations. For example, you can practice with news articles, speeches, interviews, podcasts, videos, etc.

  • Practice with different speeds and durations. You need to challenge yourself with different speeds and durations of dictation passages. For example, you can practice with 80 wpm, 100 wpm, 120 wpm, etc. You can also practice with short, medium, or long passages.

  • Practice with a partner or a teacher. Practicing with a partner or a teacher can help you get feedback and guidance on your shorthand skills. You can also compare your shorthand with others and learn from their mistakes or tips.


English shorthand is a valuable skill that can help you record speech at a fast speed and improve your listening, writing, and memory skills. PDF dictation passages are an effective way to practice your shorthand skills at your own pace and convenience. You can find many PDF dictation passages online for free download or print them out for offline use.

To improve your shorthand speed and accuracy, you need to practice regularly and follow some tips and strategies. You also need to review the shorthand rules and principles, learn the common words and phrases in shorthand, use abbreviations and shortcuts, write legibly and neatly, read back your shorthand, transcribe your shorthand into longhand, practice with different types of materials and sources, practice with different speeds and durations, and practice with a partner or a teacher.

We hope this article has helped you learn more about English shorthand dictation passages pdf 50 and how to use them effectively. Happy practicing!

What are the Benefits of Shorthand?

Shorthand is not only a practical skill that can help you record speech at a fast speed, but also a valuable skill that can bring you many benefits in your personal and professional life. Here are some of them:

  • Shorthand improves your listening skills. Shorthand requires you to pay close attention to what is being said and to filter out any irrelevant or unnecessary information. This helps you develop your active listening skills and your ability to understand and retain information.

  • Shorthand improves your summarizing skills. Shorthand helps you identify the main points and the key details of a speech or a text. This helps you develop your summarizing skills and your ability to express yourself concisely and clearly.

  • Shorthand improves your memory skills. Shorthand helps you store information in your short-term and long-term memory. This helps you develop your memory skills and your ability to recall and review information.

  • Shorthand improves your typing skills. Shorthand helps you transcribe your notes into longhand using a computer or a typewriter. This helps you develop your typing skills and your ability to produce accurate and professional documents.

  • Shorthand enhances your career prospects. Shorthand is a skill that is highly sought after by many employers, especially in fields such as journalism, law, education, administration, etc. Having shorthand on your resume can give you an edge over other candidates and increase your chances of getting hired or promoted.

How to Learn Shorthand Online?

If you want to learn shorthand online, you have many options and resources available to you. You can choose from various online courses, tutorials, videos, books, apps, etc. that can help you learn shorthand at your own pace and convenience. Here are some of them:

  • Speed-Writing: How to Write Shorthand, A Skill Worth Knowing: This blog post provides an overview of what shorthand is, why it is a valuable skill to have, and how you can start learning how to write shorthand.

  • Learn Gregg Shorthand (Full Course) + (Dictations) - YouTube: This playlist contains Gregg Shorthand Lessons that cover the basics and the advanced aspects of this system. It also includes dictation passages for practice.

  • Free Shorthand Dictations Do Steno Writing & Typing Test: This website offers free shorthand dictations and typing tests for different speeds and levels. You can also find tips and tricks on how to improve your shorthand skills.


English shorthand is a valuable skill that can help you record speech at a fast speed and improve your listening, writing, and memory skills. PDF dictation passages are an effective way to practice your shorthand skills at your own pace and convenience. You can find many PDF dictation passages online for free download or print them out for offline use.

To improve your shorthand speed and accuracy, you need to practice regularly and follow some tips and strategies. You also need to review the shorthand rules and principles, learn the common words and phrases in shorthand, use abbreviations and shortcuts, write legibly and neatly, read back your shorthand, transcribe your shorthand into longhand, practice with different types of materials and sources, practice with different speeds and durations, and practice with a partner or a teacher.

We hope this article has helped you learn more about English shorthand dictation passages pdf 50 and how to use them effectively. Happy practicing! d282676c82

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