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Stretching Anatomy

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Newly revised for 2020! See inside every stretch as you increase flexibility and improve muscular strength. Expanded, enhanced, and updated, this best-selling course shows you how to increase range of motion, supplement training, enhance recovery, and maximize efficiency of movement: it is like having an X-ray of each stretch, only better. Not only do you see full-color illustrations of the muscles in action, but you also see how a change in position can alter the muscle emphasis. Each exercise describes how to stretch, when to stretch, primary and secondary muscle emphasis, and which muscles are activated for support. Stretching programs provide three levels of difficulty, including light stretching that can be used to aid in recovery from soreness and injury. Course includes soft-cover textbook, separate testing booklet and free, instant grading. Softcover, 232 pages.

The anatomy and muscular motions of strength training and stretching. Understanding the anatomy and muscle motions of various exercises and stretches helps you to understand exactly what you are doing when trying it out for yourself!

In this article let us dive deeply into the layers of our human body and support what we are feeling in our side body stretching and strengthening postures with our ever-evolving anatomical knowledge.

Gymnasts, swimmers, body-builders, utility pole climbers, rowers and aerialists are some of the yoga practitioners that may feel the most tightness or restriction in side-body stretching postures. Also, anyone stuck in the habitual pattern of carrying a heavy bag, briefcase, suitcase, tool bag or massage table on one side of body also is likely to feel the over-the-head side body stretch in the Lats.

Side stretching releases tension from the muscles that attach to the ribs (Quadratus Lumborum, Latissimus Dorsi, Serratus Anterior, and the Obliques) and the intercostal muscles between the ribs themselves, allowing the ribs to express their full range of motion and the lungs to effectively respond to the increase and decrease of volume. The diaphragm (major muscle of breathing) and the chambers of the heart all get stretched as well, especially in postures such as Reclined Hero with arms reached overhead.

Creating space between the iliac crest and the lower ribs on one side as you close the space on the other does wonders for the organs of the digestive system: stomach, pancreas and large intestine on the left side and liver, gallbladder and large intestine on the right side. Also, simultaneous side body stretching is great for both intestines and all aspects of the colon.

The lymphatic system, unlike the cardiac system, does not have a pump to propel lymphatic flow throughout the body. Lymphatic fluid is derived from interstitial fluid (fluid between cells) and collects bacteria to bring to the lymph nodes where it is destroyed. The best way to help detoxify the body and move the lymphatic fluid along is to rebound (up and down movement i.e. running, skipping, trampolining) and stretch. Arms overhead side body stretching affects the lymph nodes in the auxiliary region (armpit) and the region of the spleen (lymphatic organ) itself.

It is great to read a book dedicated to stretching and the benefits associated with stretching. Stretching Anatomy is a wonderful resource as the information is accompanied with great illustrations that are easy to read and follow.

The benefits of stretching are endless, including improved flexibility and stamina (muscular endurance), reduced muscle soreness, improved body alignment and posture and a great warm up and cool down during an exercise session. Also, it feels good to stretch!

The highlight of the book for me is the daily stretch programs. In-depth stretching programs are provided for many different levels including beginner, intermediate, advanced and expert. The list of stretches is in easy to read tables, along with the page number in the book that the stretch can be found. As a Pilates instr

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