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Plump Mature Blogs

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In a previous Monster Minute, we discussed shed hunting and how important it can be to locating a mature buck. If you find a good set of antlers, you know the buck has survived the hunting season. Where you find a bucks shed antlers can also give you a starting point to figuring out his home range. Once season ends, hunters should hit the woods searching for sign left behind by a giant buck. Shed hunting is my first step in locating a big old dominant buck to hunt, my second step will be trying to locate his core area. I honestly believe that a hunter can increase his odds tremendously if he will burn a little shoe leather in the off season locating a bucks core area. This week we will discuss what a core area is, where to look, what to look for and why it's important to find these spots.

By misjudging field-dressed weights of whitetails, hunters often have unrealistic expectations of how much venison they should receive from their butcher. Many aspects combine to determine venison yields. Although a neck-shot mature buck can yield a big amount of steaks, chops, hamburger and stew meat, the amount of meat seems minuscule when compared to the meat yield of domestic animals.

If you hunt public land, or even private land, that has a fair amount of hunting pressure, go farther than anyone else is going. I have the good fortune of hunting private land in my area, but that land gets a fair amount of hunting pressure. Once we get into the second week of November, I move into the timber farther. Try to hunt the locations no one else is willing to hunt. Hike over to that next ridge and get further from the road. Anything you can do to separate yourself farther from the other hunting pressure is going to increase your odds of finding that mature whitetail. When the does are hot and the bucks are searching, you can get away with getting busted walking around a bit more. Get to the areas that have less pressure and you will find more mature bucks.

The weeks ahead are going to be very exciting in the whitetail woods. If you want to find big mature whitetail bucks, you might have to change up your routine a bit. Hunt the funnels, venture further than anyone else, find that freshest sign, or if you think you can pull it off, use the bump and hunt method. All of these hunting methods will help you find mature bucks once the peak rut hits the whitetail woods. The rut is here! Get out there and have fun! Be safe and good luck.

The hole does not have to be particularly deep; most tree roots grow in the top two to three feet (0.6 to 0.9m) of the soil. In general, a depth of 30 to 36 inches (762 to 914mm) for mature trees is sufficient, but this will vary depending on soil type, tree age, and species.

Food plots are for many of us the most fun and dramatically rewarding part of being a gamekeeper. But as you delve deeper into habitat and wildlife management, it becomes clear that there are plenty of other improvements that need to be made to the habitat if your goal is to attract and hold mature bucks on your property.

BioRocks are good. I also like to dig up and mix in Full Potential into the top 8-12 inches of soil in several key sites for every 50 acres of land. Place them in or near cover, where a mature buck is more likely to make use of them. By putting that many sites out, you can monitor which ones are most attractive and keep those activated while eliminating the others. Refresh them as needed, but avoid checking the site too often.

6. Add shrubs and vines. Habitats that are mostly open crop fields and mature woods can benefit from releasing and enhancing any shrubs and vines present and planting others. If you have Japanese honeysuckle, fertilizing can double the forage production of this non-native, but still valuable plant for deer. Also nurture any raspberry, blackberry, greenbrier, and plum shrubs on the property. These offer both food and valuable cover.

Often state wildlife biologists will visit your land and give recommendati

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