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Yakuza 6: The Song Of Life Crack Status ##TOP##

Akiyama gathered as much money as he could during this "ticket to another crack at life", however, he nearly loses that second chance when thugs attack him and steal the money while he was sleeping. Hiroaki Arai, who witnesses the attack, returns Akiyama's money to him. Akiyama feels indebted to Arai for the selfless act of kindness. It is later revealed that the very money gathered off the pavement was the money that had gotten him framed and fired in the first place.

Yakuza 6: The Song of Life Crack Status

Right after Smoke's death, Tenpenny appeared and reveals his malicious intentions, threatening Carl to hand him Smoke's drug money. Carl survives Tenpenny's attempt on his life by faking Sweet's presence, and subsequently escapes the burning crack den. Sweet hangs onto Tenpenny's fire truck as the latter attempts to flee Los Santos, forcing Carl to give pursuit. Retrieving his brother, Carl rides shotgun and kills hostile reinforcements while Sweet continues the chase. Eventually, Tenpenny loses control on the Ganton overpass and crashes, dying of his wounds. After everything is over, Carl and his friends celebrate in his house.

  • Specific Authors Anything written by Oxenstierna D Yuki Rin. Her Crack Fics have everything and anything a Crack Fic could have, including musical numbers, parodies, pop culture references, Big Lipped Alligator Moments, her OCs for One Piece that are very wacky themselves, cameos made by various anime characters, and even things that should reach Memetic Mutation status.

  • Essentially anything David Gonterman writes is unintentionally a Crack Fic... of the worst possible kind.

  • Nearly everything written by Dannichu.

  • Anything by Peter Chimaera. Quarter-Life: Halfway to Destruction.

  • Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction is 44 pages of gold. One story, Einstein's Theory of Justice, starts with Einstein "discovering" that he "invented" his Theory of Relativity and ends with a battle with Thomas Edison who used the theory to time travel to that moment to steal it for himself and take the credit. It really picks up once Edison recruits the mummy of Julius Caesar to fight Einstein.

  • Batman: Nemesis Fight. We won't spoil anything in the short story.

  • One of the current kings of this trope is Shadow Crystal Mage. His works include such gems as: Takamachi Nanoha of 2814 where the eponymous character gets a Green Lantern Ring on top of Raging Heart. That's just the first chapter. The later chapters gets more insane, with Megazords, Godzilla and somehow this very Wiki getting thrown in...

  • Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly!. the world's first The Dresden Files / TV Tropes crossover.

  • VENGEANCE! The Musical! The Story of Uchiha Sasuke!: 8 year-old Sasuke makes a play about how he's going to kill Itachi. It becomes a big hit and Konoha's biggest tourist attraction.

  • The Door is a TaleSpin/Stargate SG-1 crossover that actually makes sense. Yes, furries and the Stargate universe and it makes sense. Worth a look if you like both franchises.

  • Oddly, his stories also tend to take on a serious note in later chapters, generally around chapter 3 or 4, with things like plot and character development appearing, without in any way reducing the crack level.

  • If Shadow Crystal Mage is the king of this trope, then Sue Mary is surely the queen. She wrote a fanfic where Hannah Montana falls in love with Po.

  • Many of Hans Von Hozel's works fall into this category.

  • Fics by crow-of-murders fall under Crack Fic.

  • You Got HaruhiRolled! is far from author superstarultra's only Crack Fic, merely his best known. His other work includes The Obesity of Haruhi Suzumiya, about the SOS Brigade's misadventures in Fat Camp, and the Super Paper Mario fic Dimentiosweeper, where Minesweeper gets a little... violent.

  • Rorschach's Blot has some hilarious stuff posted.

  • dogbertcarroll as well.

  • Mr Law writes crack fics in various forms, from depressingly realistic The Familiar of Zero shorts to overly ridiculous Castlevania stories. His latest series, To-Love-Death imagines the cast of the sci-fi romantic comedy To Love Ru facing off a zombie invasion. Note its sequel To-Love-Carnage takes the crack to high levels.

  • Just about anything by DoritoDew, especially his aptly titled "bullshit i pull out of my ass" series.

  • Most of Curtis Wildcat's works fit this category with varying levels of seriousness and length. They range from Monsters In Paradise, which features Pokémon getting purposefully dropped into Gensokyo and having oddball interactions with the residents, to The Guardian's Trial, in which Fairy Leviathan brainwashes herself into thinking she's Groucho Marx. The level of crack is directly proportionate to a story's length in that the shorter it is, the more crack there's likely to be.

  • diosleftthigh69 can most accurately be described as Comics Nix if he focused on anime and manga instead of western media and also was obsessed with contemporary internet culture. In addition to traits typical for this kind of fanfiction, such as terrible grammar, copious amounts of gross-out humor and absurd plotting, their stories usually feature references to various real-life industrial companies/products and online celebrities. The author also has a YouTube channel where they post Animated Adaptations of their works, which are drawn with the same level of skill as the original fanfictions are written and on top of that have all the characters' voices provided either by a text-to-speech or, in newer videos, by the author themself.

  • Everything by Shakespeare Hemmingway; the fact that most of their stories star a Rated M for Manly, desired-by-women and feared/respected-by-men version of Garfield would be enough, but the writing style (largely Beige Prose and Department of Redundancy Department) and the stuff they're based on (The King's Speech, High School Musical, and The British Royal Family, just to name a few) further land them squarely in this territory.

RISE LIKE A DRAGON. Become Ichiban Kasuga, a low-ranking yakuza grunt left on the brink of death by the man he trusted most. Take up your legendary bat and get ready to crack some underworld skulls in dynamic RPG combat set against the backdrop of modern-day Japan. 041b061a72

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