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Hooverphonic With Orchestra Cd Download |TOP|

Due to his on spot improvisatory and orchestrating skills he has collaborated with numerous artist from different genres, from classical to jazz, to pop, rock, musical, film music where he played, arranged and orchestrated on their recordings and on their performances.

hooverphonic with orchestra cd download


In 2010 he established his own production with collegue Jelle Vastershaeghe called Serenade.They provided own arrangements and orchestration for a a string orchestra with rythm section and mixed several genres like jazz, film music, folk and pop.

Since 2014 he has been living in London, UK and is currently holding a teaching position at World Heart Beat Music Academy and is freelancing as a orchestral violinist and jazz-gipsy violinist through London. He has recently recorded a studio album with well known cabaret artist Dusty Limits.

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